Für die Publikation angefertigte Collagen aus Printwerbung, wie man sie in jeder Frauen- oder auch Männerzeitschrift findet. Durch das Zerschneiden (Dekonstruktion) und erneutes Zusammenfügen mit Teilen anderer Werbeanzeigen, entstanden eigenständige Ikonografien, fernab zur herkömmlichen Sehgewohnheit und -erwartung.
Aus dem Text zur Publikation: »Body of Work is the first publication of the feminist collective FAK. It is devoted to the linkages between body and work: The significance of the outer appearance on the labor market has increased, our body is supposed to represent our adaptability as well as our individuality. We are surrounded by others who are speaking the body language of success, assuring us that we can make it just as far as long as we work hard enough on ourselves. This makes us dream of social advancement, but while our surface shimmers and glows the appreciation of our work is often missing.«